Erotic stories of Horny Nerd
Profile page of Horny Nerd. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Horny Nerd wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 1.1K times
Screwing the Librarian I attend the local university and doing very well, I study every chance I get and go to the library most days to research whatever I'm studying at the time. I don't date as I'm a geek/nerd in the eyes of the girls at the university, who prefer the other guys to me. Then one Saturday I was at the library, and it was getting close to closing time. I was the only one there as far as I could see, I usually study in back of the library away from the main area. Then I heard a moaning sound and thought... reading time 2 mingenreStraightwritten on